'A huge thank you for everything that you did for me to help us get our baby.' F.S
'Stress is something I never thought I would suffer from, how wrong could I be. I didn't realise stress could have that many physical and emotional affects. Thanks to you I now feel back in control of my life.' TB
'The acupuncture treatment I have had along my journey to Beijing (Olympics), without doubt aided not only in being selected but also my performance whilst there.' LW
BSc Hons, Lic Ac, MBAcC
James Whelpton is a highly experienced and caring acupuncturist based in his own dedicated clinic in Marlow since 2002.
Fertility Acupuncture
'A huge thank you for everything that you did for me to help us get our baby.' F.S
'Without doubt your knowledge, advise and experiance has been invaluable. Your positiveness proved well founded.' S.B
'Without doubt played a central roll in making my dream come true. ' L.G
Some commonly treated conditions
'The acupuncture treatment I have had along my journey to Beijing (Olympics) without doubt aided, not only in being selected, but also my performance whilst there.' LW
'Stress is something I never thought I would suffer from, how wrong could I be. I didn't realise it could have that many physical and emotional affects. Thanks to you, I now feel back in control of my life.'
Hundreds of clinical studies on the benefits of acupuncture show that it successfully treats a wide range of conditions. These range from musculoskeletal problems (back pain, neck pain, osteoarthritis of knee and others) to nausea, migraine headache, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and infertility. Please contact James to see how he may be able to help you.